Responsibility towards employees, customers and suppliers
Safety guaranteed – with certified Standards
We commit to responsibility towards employees, customers and suppliers . Towards the environment and its resources.
As a traditional family-run company, we have been living the values of medium-sized companies for decades: reliability, loyalty to quality and responsibility.
By recycling production residues, HOESCH makes an important contribution to resource conservation. In addition, state-of-the-art technologies keep the environmental impact as low as possible.
To ensure these requirements, we have established an integrated management system:
Quality Management System
(ISO 9001)
- The satisfaction of our customers is the center of all actions.
- We keep the trust of our customers through intensive customer service, long-term supplier guarantees and commercially responsible improvements in the quality and safety of our products.
Intensive and regular analyzes as well as the optimization of the individual production processes are important components of our quality policy.
Environmental Management System
(ISO 14001)
We strive to reduce emissions in the form of exhaust air, waste water and waste through continuous improvements.
By recycling production residues, HOESCH contributes massively to resource conservation.
The intensive and regular analysis of the Carbon Foot Print is an important part of our environmental policy.
Management System for Safety and Health at Work
(ISO 45001)
- In all activities, we put the safety and health of our employees first.
- Our aim is to prevent accidents at work and work-related illnesses and injuries.
We strengthen the identification of our employees with occupational health and safety
We improve occupational health and safety by proactively introducing, documenting, implementing and maintaining occupational health and safety policies and defined occupational health and safety goals and programs